Embark on an exciting novel experience in Dynamons 8! This internet-based creature gathering game introduces two brand new regions to explore: the Chinese Gala world and the bonus cavern. Acquire all the necessary knowledge from experienced Dynamons specialist Jovani to evolve into a bona fide Dynamon Commander. Unearth and enlist distinctive Dynamons such as Robocanyx, Jaxaguar, Sauryx, Dagaryx, Tydonyx, and numerous others. Construct your squad and participate in exhilarating 1v1 confrontations with exclusive assaults and enhancements.
Operate touchscreen controls or your mouse to participate. Engage in mesmerizing turn-based battles where you can utilize action cards to strike and seize weakened adversaries. Access your backpack to utilize accumulated items throughout your expedition. Utilize shards to enhance the level of your Dynamons and unlock fresh action cards. Challenge other trainers and strive towards becoming the mightiest Dynamon Commander!