Embark on an exciting urban journey with G-Wagon City Driver, a gripping driving game offering four distinct game modes. Immerse yourself in the bustling streets of the city, braving realistic traffic, managing fuel consumption, and honing your urban driving skills. Leave the urban jungle behind and conquer challenging off-road trails, as stunning dawn visuals breathe life into every landscape. Be prepared for unexpected obstacles, including unpredictable pedestrians and thrilling police pursuits. Personalize your G-Wagon's appearance and performance, and bring your faithful canine companion along. Whether you're eluding authorities or blazing new paths, *G-Wagon City Driver* guarantees a thrilling adventure.
- W, A, S, D / Arrow Keys: Drive / Steer / Brake
- Left Shift: Activate Nitro Boost
- C: Change Camera View
- G: Slow Motion